Parallel Atlas: 38°N
Jerusalem SKY
Reversing the Panopticon
Homeland Defense and the Prosecution of Jim Bell


Cryptome MAY 2002
APRIL 2002
russian.htm Russian Military Geography 27 April 2002
mecca-maps.htm World-maps for Finding Mecca 27 April 2002
prison-gis.htm Prison GIS 27 April 2002
sky.htm Jerusalem SKY 26 April 2002
users.htm Homeland GIS Users Community 26 April 2002
earth.htm Earth Super Simulator 26 April 2002
gaza-view.htm Free Internet GIS: Israel, West Bank, Gaza 24 April 2002
cuba-map.htm Gov't. Sues to Halt Kennedy Map Sale 23 April 2002
mil-geo.htm New Nine-layer Ground 23 April 2002
sentinels.htm Autonomous Sentinels 18 April 2002
super-ants.htm Euro Supercolonists 18 April 2002
nasa-war.htm Militarizing NASA Images 18 April 2002
MARCH 2002
imagine.htm Imagine...(not Lennon) 28 March 2002
zone.htm Free-Speech Zones 27 March 2002
blood-lust.htm Blood Lust 27 March 2002
panic-room.htm Your Own Panic Room 27 March 2002
hs-products.htm Homeland Marketing 27 March 2002
remains-gps.htm FDNY Maps WTC Remains 26 March 2002
neural-jokes.htm Jokes for Fast Encryption 26 March 2002
predator-video.htm Real Time Battle Video Distracts 26 March 2002
gps-chip.htm Implantable Anti-kidnap Chip 26 March 2002
rotor-uav.htm Rotor-Craft Surveillance UAV 20 March 2002
ice-collapse.htm Larsen B Ice Shelf Collapses 20 March 2002
settlements.htm Spotting New West Bank Settlements 19 March 2002
ayazi.htm Electrical Engineer Maps Afghanistan 18 March 2002
circumnavigate.htm Chinese Navy Discovers America 18 March 2002
gravity-map.htm Mapping Your Bumpy Gravity Field 17 March 2002
battlespace.htm Battlespace Software Promotional Video 16 March 2002
rubble.htm Mapping WTC Rubble 16 March 2002
pipeline-map.htm Security for National Pipeline Mapping System 15 March 2002
sgi-battleviz.htm SGI to Power Navy Battlespace Visualization 15 March 2002
geo-reach.htm Decision-quality Imagery 15 March 2002
goldrush.htm Wide Area Augmentation Prospecting 15 March 2002
balkan.htm Zoran Djindjic and Balkan Maps 15 March 2002
palmtop.htm JEDI Battlefield Targeting 15 March 2002
geoviz.htm Geovisualisation Methods Conference 11 March 2002
skullmap.htm Cambodian Skull Map Dismantled 11 March 2002
chill-routes.htm Mapping Antarctic Ice Shelf Routes 8 March 2002

Multibeam Bathymetry for Secure Ports and Harbors

7 March 2002
massive-data.htm Mining Massive Data Sets for Homeland Defense 7 March 2002
gardner.htm Fuel Cells Instead of Terrorists Cells 4 March 2002
flash-hole.htm Trojaned Flash Hole 4 March 2002
bandwidth-war.htm High Bandwidth War 3 March 2002
light-strike.htm Bird Risk at WTC Light Memorial 3 March 2002
ARCHIVE 2002: Jan-Feb
ARCHIVE 2001: Oct-Nov-Dec
ARCHIVE 2001: Aug-Sept
ARCHIVE 2001: June-July
ARCHIVE 2001: March

ARCHIVE 2001: Jan-Feb


Earth Info
thanks to J.Terrafly
thanks to L Atlas of Cyberspace
thanks to S. Free GRASS GIS
thanks to L. NASA's Visible Earth
thanks to AJ GlobalSecurity Pix
thanks to JM Kodak Aerial Imaging
thanks to MG NYC Surveillance Camera Project
U. of Surrey Nanosatellites
thanks to Anon Global Hawk UAV
DoD Dual Use Science & Technology Program (DUST)
ESRI Geo Network
Spot Image
Photon Research Associates (PRA)
Space Imaging
PNC/ECAI 2001 Joint Meeting
ADR 2001: Information Superiority and Space
National Security Space Architect
The Joint Spectrum Center
National Imagery and Mapping Agency

The David Rumsey Collection
Oddens Bookmarks

22 May 2002
3 May 2002
27 February 2002
27 February 2002
6 February 2002
November 13, 2001
March 24, 2001
March 24, 2001
March 16, 2001
March 15, 2001
March 5, 2001
February 4, 2001
February 4, 2001
February 4, 2001
February 4, 2001
February 1, 2001
February 1, 2001
February 1, 2001
February 1, 2001
February 1, 2001
February 1, 2001
February 1, 2001
February 1, 2001
February 1, 2001
February 1, 2001
January 17, 2001
January 17, 2001
January 12, 2001
January 12, 2001
January 10, 2001
January 10, 2001
January 10, 2001

Cartome, a companion site to Cryptome, is an archive of news and spatial / geographic documents on privacy, cryptography, dual-use technologies, national security and intelligence -- communicated by imagery systems: cartography, photography, photogrammetry, steganography, camouflage, maps, images, drawings, charts, diagrams, IMINT and their reverse-panopticon and counter-deception potential. Cartome will employ technologies to minimize image file size, and these rapidly developing technologies themselves will be covered.

Administrator: Deborah Natsios
